I call myself Mme Bahorel. This is the third incarnation of my personal site.

All my graphics are the result of manipulation of various sources in Adobe Photoshop Elements. The font used for the titles is called AdineKernberg-Script and may be found at The Master's Tech. Please do not steal my graphics, they are the result of a great deal of effort.

My stage door photos are my property. I have no problem with their use on other sites, but please ask so I know where they are going. I can, in most cases, provide a larger size if it would prove useful.

All editing is done by hand. I do not use an editor, just Notepad. If links are broken, please notify me. They are usually the result of a typographical error or a forgotten folder. Layout is based on a 1024 by 768 pixel screen area. Please email me if something is broken.

PlaceDauphine.net is my personal domain. I am not a professional web designer. I will not do your site. I will hunt you down and strangle you if you blatantly steal my layout and colour scheme.

Feedback is adored because it is not expected. If you believe I have used something erroneously, please let me know, and I will correct it.

The translations are extremely literal, yes, but they are provided for those who know the lyrics in English and have access to the recordings in French. They are an aid to understanding, not a translation for performance. They are the result of several years of intermittent work. If there is a problem providing the French next to the English, please let me know politely. I simply intend to provide an understanding of lyrical differences across language. I have no degree in French, simply nine years of study in the language. If you believe I have mis-translated a section, please let me know. I appreciate any assistance with slang expressions and idioms.

Place Dauphine itself is a residential square in the Latin Quarter of Paris. The Quartier Latin for a long time was the student quarter, encompassing the various professional schools associated with the Sorbonne. My choice of it as a title comes from Les Misérables, Part Four (L’Idyll Rue Plumet et l’épopée St Denis), Book Twelve (Corinthe), Chapter Six (En Attendant). At the barricade, while waiting for the army to approach, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Bahorel, Joly, Bossuet, Feuilly, Prouvaire, and others un-named gather to chat and eventually recite a love poem. Stanzas eight and nine of a total seventeen:

La Sorbonne était l’endroit bucolique
Où je t’adorais du soir au matin.
C’est ainsi qu’une âme amoureuse applique
La carte du Tendre au pays latin.

O place Maubert! O place Dauphine!
Quand, dans le taudis frais et printanier,
Tu tirais ton bas sur ta jambe fine,
Je voyais un astre au fond du grenier.

The Sorbonne was the bucolic spot
Where I adored you from evening until morn.
Thus an amourous soul applies
The map of Tenderness to the Latin Quarter.

Oh, Place Maubert! Oh, Place Dauphine!
When, in the cool, springlike hovel,
You pulled your stocking onto your fine leg,
I saw a star in the depths of the attic.

Les Misérables is my passion. It is the foundation for all content on this site. Not all is directly related to Les Mis, but it all has a connection in some manner. I hope you enjoy your stay.
